Where cropping patterns are concerned, the soviet union relies much more heavily on small grains . 至于种植方案,苏联绝大部分是种植麦类。
Happiness is all around us , but it often comes in small grains 幸福就在我们周围,但它常常点点滴滴地出现。
Happiness is all around us , but it often comes in small grains 但是,我们有很多人却不惜花费许多时间舍近求远去寻找幸福。
Some thoughts on the development and popularization of small grain driers for agricultural application 谷物烘干机械的经济适应性分析
It is the ideal equipment to transport or adjust non - glutinosity solid powder , small grain and crystalloid material 特别适用于无粘度的固体粉料,细小颗粒料,晶体料的输送与调节。
Rather , as you can easily imagine , it is because light is more likely absorbed by a large grain than a small grain 其实,很容易想像到,粗沙看起来较深色的原因是大沙粒比小沙粒吸收更多光能。
Happiness is all around us , but it often comes in small grains . when we gather it grain by grain , we soon have a basketful 幸福就在我们身边,但他往往以点点滴滴的形式出现,但我们一点一滴地把它们收集起来,很快就有满满一篮子。
In general , smaller grain size and greater angularity tend to increase the porosity while an increase in range of particle size tends to decrease porosity 通常,颗粒越小曲率越大孔隙度越大,而当颗粒尺寸增大时孔隙度会减小。
Happiness is all around us , but it often comes in small grains . when we gather it grain by grain , we soon have a basketful 幸福就在我们的身边,但它往往以点点滴滴的形式出现.当我们一点一点地把它们收集在一起,很快就发现装满了篮子
Hot pack : knead to break an inside a small grain , the bag will be summon up right away , the temperature in the bag can attain more than 50 degrees right away 热包:捏破里面一个小颗粒,袋子马上就会鼓起来,袋子里的温度马上就能达到50度以上。